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Agility in the workplace

February 23, 2024

The pandemic showed us that many businesses could not only survive but thrive with a flexible approach in the way we work and sometimes, in what our businesses actually do.  Who doesn’t recall seeing the gin companies that flipped to producing hand sanitiser!  Wasn’t that the perfect example of a business that adapted its processes in response to the market, allowing itself to remain viable in a volatile period!

While we are now through the worst of that period (let’s not reminisce about working from home while home schooling), we are definitely operating in a fast paced and ever evolving world where business leaders need to be able to adapt to changes faster than ever before.  Which brings us to two of our favourite thought leaders – Adam Grant and Jim Collins.

Adam Grant believes that your most valuable currency is not how much you know but how well you learn.  He makes the point that “In a stable world, success depended on building expertise.  In a changing world, it hinges on evolving expertise.”  So rather than simply hiring the most knowledgeable in a particular field, you want someone who can adapt to changes, someone who is agile.  That’s not to say you hire a physiotherapist who is an agile learner when you really need a copywriter, but you choose the copywriter who can and will responsively adapt to change.

In turn, Jim Collins talks about “first who, then what”.

‘Scuse me?  Surely great leaders set the direction for a business then you determine the skillsets you need and sort out your recruitment needs based on this info?  Locked and loaded!

Not according to Jim’s research.

The leaders that really set off transformations, taking their businesses from good to great, didn’t work out where the bus was going and who they needed to drive it there.  Sure, they have business plans and goals, but they weren’t hard locked into a direction they would take to get there because things change, and they recognise that they need to be able to adjust in an environment that appears to be running at breakneck speed. 

So, what they do first is that they get the right people on the bus, in the right seats, and then they figure out how to take that bus somewhere great.  Or rather, Jim Collins proposes you get the right people that are able to go where you need them to go when the circumstances present. Adam and Jim both  = agility is key!

We agree with both concepts individually but believe they have even more strength when you put them together.  That is, if you fill your business with the right people who have the innate ability to be agile, it will allow you to adapt their skills to support your business in maximising and capitalising on opportunities as they present. 

Case in point, gin distillers and machine operators who could adapt to support the business to deliver high quality and much needed hand sanitiser, rapidly maximised the opportunity presented and demonstrated a speed to market that was truly remarkable. It’s all about responding to the changing or growing needs of your clients.  And yes, those gin distillers have thankfully shown their agility post lockdowns and whipped back to the production of their delicious beverages as the market shifted once again.

As an example that’s very close to home……. With thoughts of agility, opportunity and a random conversation with the right person, we at HR Staff n’ Stuff asked someone to jump on our bus that didn’t fit our usual HR consultant skillset.  As Jim Collins suggests, it’s not always the right time but if the right person comes along, your business will thank you later. 

As a small business, one of the challenges we had ourselves was where to go to source great marketing materials that were also affordable and that could really elevate our company.  Sure, we had access to Canva, but we knew that our marketing and comms manager was no graphic designer or photographer.  Words and strategy yes, pretty stuff – absolutely not!   We knew we were not alone in this challenge. Much like the gin companies, we understood there was something our clients (including us) needed that was outside of our usual remit of services, and then the right person came along and we understood that we could truly be agile and seek to provide those services ourselves.

Which brings us to the Stuff in HR Staff n’ Stuff.  Photography, graphic design and style guides now sit alongside our usual service offering of employment contracts, policies, training and development and all other things HR. Supporting clients with marketing needs is not as far from HR consulting as you would imagine.  In addition to being support services that businesses need, having a professional approach to branding and internal and external documents helps employees have confidence in their roles and business, and supports them to deliver on their own role. Cue a sales person who can confidently present the business to prospective clients with professional collateral and sales presentations. In our case, what we’ve put together is a team who are skilled at what they do, who can adapt quickly to changes in their field, who are open to learning and who are comfortable with changes in the route the bus is taking.  And our bus is pointed firmly in the direction of supporting our clients with their HR and ‘stuff’ needs 😊

We are loving this new Stuff we get to do and the inclusion of another talented HR Staff n’ Stuff team member who didn’t get overlooked because she didn’t fit the HR Consultant mould.  It’s hard now to imagine that if we hadn’t been able to see beyond the skills or experience that were must haves for any new HR Staff n’ Stuff employee, we would have missed the person who has brought a new element that makes sense to our business and to our clients. This is just one example where applying ‘agility over ability’ and unlocking hidden potential in our people and in our business, along with being focused on having the right people on our bus, can truly help your business thrive.

With that in mind, now it’s your turn to consider:

  • Do I have the right people on my bus?
  • Is my bus heading in the right direction? Can it change direction quickly if we need to?
  • Are my people and my business agile enough to maximise opportunities that may present, including the ability to respond to shifts in the market and client needs??

Consider what you can do to make your business strong enough to weather any storm, agile enough to jump on opportunities, and maximise the talent and potential of your current people, while always being aware of the ‘right people’ who may cross your path and that should be on your team!

If we can assist you with thinking differently and creatively about your approach to your people, or with any marketing, photography or graphic design needs – we are here to help!

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