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Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP 2)

​“Single Touch Payroll Phase 2” - words that are likely to make your eyes glaze over as your brain determines that the phrase sounds boring and absolutely not fun.  Nevertheless, STP 2 is extremely important and also mandatory for ALL businesses so let’s make sure you are all across the implementation deadline and actions so we can get back to the things that bring you joy as a business leader! The what, why, who and when of STP 2Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 i [...]

​Key changes from 1 July

We all know the end of financial year is looming and there is a lot to do as you make sure all matters taxation are addressed and finalised, but you can't overlook some key employment changes that occur as we click over into 1 July.  Here's a quick summary so you can make sure you are remaining compliant. ​ MINIMUM WAGE INCREASESAs announced last week, the national minimum wage has increased by 5.2% equating to $40 and must be applied from 1 July.  Minimum Modern Awar [...]

Consultation and workplace changes

​Business is an organic beast.  You may have a single, specialised product or you may have a complex business model that delivers services or goods across a spectrum of industries. No matter what you do, how you structure your team may need to change over time and this kind of change requires business leaders to consult with their employees.  Not only is it best practice, in most cases, it is a legislative requirement that will also keep you out of trouble if the process is foll [...]

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